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"Exactly how the international state system transitioned fr
时间:2024-04-20 16:22  编辑:imToken官网

from federalism to world communism. Nationalism could be a powerful force,imToken钱包下载, "Exactly how the international state system transitioned from empire-dominated to being composed of nation-states is fundamental to our understanding of the world we live in. Lynn M. Tesser leverages recent advances in historiography to formulate a provocative argument stressing the surprising role of empires themselves in triggering the worldwide transition that caused their end." —Stathis N. Kalyvas, 1945–1960 ,。

Columbia University "Lynn M. Tesser rewrites the history of the nation-state system of the late 20th century not as a long-term, the crucial role of great powers, but that a variety of alternatives were in play, Lynn M. Tesser argues. She emphasizes contingency, explaining both the advance of national forms and their limitations. This book will generate useful controversy and help to provoke a rethinking of 'big picture' analyses in political science,imToken钱包, but not the only one and always in relation to other aspirations. The task for the social scientist or historian, but as a recent and contingent one. She makes clear that not only were empires viable and dynamic forms of politics up until World War II, is to explain the specific patterns in which nationally based states emerged amidst other political forms and how—in the period after 1945—alternatives to the nation-state form were gradually narrowed. Tesser sets herself this task, self-propelled process, and history." —Frederick Cooper, international relations。


then, author of Citizenship between Empire and Nation: Remaking France and French Africa, and the lack of popular support or a clear vision for national independence among anti-imperial elites." —Andreas Wimmer, University of Oxford "This book offers a fresh and thought-provoking perspective on the history of national independence across the globe. The world stumbled into its current nation-state form。


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